So - happn to the rescue...or so i thought. I liked Chris's photo and he liked mine back - its a charm, says the dating app. Chris reached out, we chatted a bit and told him i was here on a conference. Immediately asked for my whatsapp number and asked where i was staying. Told him the hotel and said we could meet up for drinks. Chris is German living in Cape Town ..and quite global minded.
Chris decided it was best we meet much later in the evening becasue.....he has to entertain his kids after creche..... red flag!!! Well, i asked an important question - are you married? Took him 30 minutes to reply. I guess he was pondering on how to reply - if he should be honest or just string me along.
He replied with ' Yes- in a mutually open relationship! Apparently, i had missed the obvious because he actually stated it on his profile that 'amicably polygamous, married, kids - this is a lifestyle - not a compensation'. Interesting! This reminds me to be more vigilant before 'liking' photos randomly without checking properly if the guy was on the app for 'extra curricular activities' hahhaha. Lesson learned.
I declined the meetup - told him i don't go on dates with married men and his response was ...... 'Easy'
Photocredit: Bryanthompson instagram
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