Sunday 8 November 2015

Lolade's corner: Singles' this one is for you!

In certain parts of the world, the stigmatization attached to singles, be it single parenthood, divorced, widowed or never-been-married can be a tad frightening.

Who are those that actually fall into the category of single-doom? The legal age in most countries to get married is 18 years of age - that is, the age in which an individual can be termed as full-grown adult and should be able to take responsibilities for himself/herself - alas this is actually really works only the western world - not so much in the rest of the universe.

In some societies, once a female child starts to experience her monthly period, she has invariably attained adulthood and age of consent.....if you ask me, this is totally absurd.
In some societies, 20 to 25 years of age is an agreeable age of adulthood for a female.  Regardless of whether the girl has just started her period or she is around 25 years of age, the society expects her to start courting /dating and bring home a suitor.

Notice that i have only mentioned the female child so far. A man might not be considered 'single' by the society until he reaches the age of 40!
Singlehood can be classified into those who have reached the acceptable marriageable age according to the society and environment in which they live, another group are those who have long passed the acceptable age yet not married.  As i mentioned earlier, there are also the single mothers, divorced and widowed.

Being single should be enjoyed by whoever is in such a stage , after-all, you have freedom/liberty to do various things such as: self improvement, learning new language,travel the world - where you'll actually meet so many new people and grow as an individual.

Interestingly, not everyone can survive being single - especially men.  Men don't find it fun being single because they need the opposite sex to lighten up their lives!

The stigmatization labelled on singles for being'single' is a bit overrated and hypocritical. I can tell you for a fact, that being married is not a bed of roses and requires work from both parties. If your spouse doesn't know how the 'roses' smell, then trouble looms.  Quite a lot of my married friends confined in me that they really wished they were single - this shows that quite a number of marriages have several thorns in their 'roses'!

Marriage comes with it's own status, afterall, the MRS title is something a few girls are willing to break up other people's marriages for, but then, if you're not with your God-given spouse, you'll wish you had never entered into it.
These days, the men are so unwilling to add their names to someone else's own, for them it's much more cheaper to have a lot of baby mamas', pay for child support and skip live's responsibilities.

Take a bold step and enjoy your single live, and you'ld find love sometimes at the most unusual times and unusual place.

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